Dietetic Consultations
Children with food allergies are more likely to develop a poor relationship with food
With the right help, most children will outgrow their allergies
Online appointments for children with food allergies
The NHS and the Department of Health recommend seeing a Dietitian prior to removing any food groups from a child's diet
It is now recognised that food allergies in children are on the rise.
With so much ongoing research taking place in this area, it can be increasingly difficult for parents to navigate their child's allergies.
I offer one-to-one video dietetic appointments which you can attend from the comfort of your own home.
Please ensure that have your child's measurements taken prior to the appointment as this will allow me to give you a more complete assessment.

Paediatric Specialities
Fussy or picky eating
Plant based diets
​Food allergies (IgE* and non-IgE)
Lactose intolerance
Allergy prevention
*Note: Whilst I am able to help identify suspected IgE (immediate) allergies, I am unable to diagnose these and will recommend a referral to an NHS or private allergy service.
Interested in booking an appointment?
Please send me a message and I will be in touch shortly!

What is included?
1st appointment: nutritional assessment*
Each appointment is tailored to your child's needs and requirements. The following will be included:
- a full allergy focused history / detailed food history
- calculation of nutritional requirements
- summary of nutritional concerns
- a nutritional management plan
- recommendation of any oral nutritional supplements / formulas (if required)
- recommendations for review / follow-up
*Fee: £120 for a 1 hour appointment + a written report which will be sent to you via email.
Review appointment
45 minute review appointments may be recommended. These will allow me to monitor your child's progress, discuss challenges and review the advice provided in the initial appointment.
*Fee: £75 for a 45 min review appointment + a written report with a follow-up plan.